Localization Status: Italian (it)

With help from our users, we're translating this tutorial into Italian. If you know this language, then please give us a hand - just click on one of the articles to get started! You don't have to translate an entire article at once - even a single paragraph would be a big help towards this task :)

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Top translators
  1. 1. User #2839 ?
  2. 2. User #4589 ?
  3. 3. User #3455 ?
Article/Chapter Progress
What is jQuery?
100% complete
A jQuery editor Not started
Getting started Not started
Hello, world! Not started
The ready event Not started
Method chaining Not started
Introduction to jQuery selectors Not started
Using elements, ID's and classes Not started
Using attributes Not started
Parent/child relation selectors Not started
Fading elements Not started
Sliding elements Not started
Custom animations with the animate() method Not started
Stopping animations with the stop() method Not started
DOM manipulation
Introduction to DOM manipulation Not started
Getting and setting content [text(), html() and val()] Not started
Getting and setting attributes [attr()] Not started
Getting and setting CSS classes Not started
The append() and prepend() methods Not started
The before() and after() methods Not started
The remove() and empty() methods Not started
Introduction to events Not started
The bind() method Not started
The unbind() method Not started
The live() method Not started
Introduction to AJAX Not started
The load() method Not started
The get() and post() methods Not started
Same Origin Policy Not started
Requesting a file from a different domain using JSONP Not started
Showing progress Not started
Aborting an AJAX request Not started
Working with dimensions
Working with widths and heights Not started
Utilities & Helpers
Looping with the each() method Not started
The toArray() and makeArray() methods Not started
Other frameworks and the noConflict() method Not started