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A jQuery editor
Csak úgy mint a HTML-el, CSS-el és még akkár normál Javascript-tel, írhatsz jQuery bármilyen szerkesztőbe még akár Windows Notepad-ben. Bár, használni egyszerű szerkesztőt mint a Notepad weblap készítésre olyan mintha csavarhúzóval próbálsz fúrni lyukat egy darab fába. Működik, de sokkal tovább tart és kevésbé kellemes.
If you already have an HTML editor that allows you to work easily with JavaScript, then it will likely be good for writing jQuery as well, but there are editors out there that will treat jQuery as a first-class citizen and help you type it faster and more efficient.
I personally use TSW WebCoder, which has a bunch of awesome IntelliSense features to aid you, covering all the technologies you need: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and of course jQuery. Having a list of possible properties, methods and their parameters is a huge help, especially when you're brand new to jQuery. If your current editor already does all of this, and you feel comfortable with it, then by all means stick to it - if not, then consider giving WebCoder a try.
More information about TSW WebCoder